Belgian beer

Belgium beer is famous

My country is famous, for Belgian beer, chocolates and diamonds.
Belgians are very proud of their beer culture. They are convinced we are so strong people because of our beer!
Nobody is sure and nobody agrees on figures but there might be like 1,500 different beers brewed in Belgium. Or as mentioned here, Belgian beers and breweries: There are 623 breweries and 7178 beers in the database, some not brewed anymore. And 1706 beer labels.
Some websites talk about it in detail, like in “beertourism” that has a beer dictionary, articles on beer culture, Belgian beer Festivals, Belgian beer festivals and much more.

Of course Wikipedia also gives an in-depth view about our beer culture, I quote:

Beer in Belgium includes pale ales, lambics, Flemish red ales, sour brown ales, strong ales and stouts. In 2018, there were 304 active breweries in Belgium, including international companies, such as AB InBev, and traditional breweries including Trappist monasteries. On average, Belgians drink 68 liters of beer each year, down from around 200 each year in 1900. Most beers are bought or served in bottles, rather than cans, and almost every beer has its own branded, sometimes uniquely shaped, glass. In 2016, UNESCO inscribed Belgian beer culture on their list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

Belgian beer in Beijing and earthquake danger

I started collected bottles since many years, with the rule: bought in Beijing, obviously happily tasted in Beijing, and all different stickers.

My collection in the kitchen became that big the wife got scared that in the event of an earthquake we would be killed by an avalanche of bottles.
So I decided to take pictures and finally making a list. I only kept the big bottles.

The latest list

I will update the list whenever appropriate. And no, I don’t have all the beers that have been sold in the city. The total could thus be like 250 different bottles or much more.
See here the PDF of my bottle collection dated 15 May 2024: 240515Beerbottles
Now 220 bottles listed!

The gallery of the bottles

See here the pictures I took of my bottle collection. Dated 15 May 2024.