Monthly Beijing “Old China Hands Lunch”

I started the monthly lunch in May and since then we have had each month an interesting mix of people. The idea cam – and is featured – on several LinkedIn Groups.
The idea and setting are simple: a relaxed lunch without a set agenda for expats who have been working with since for at least ten years. We do not welcome newcomers as it is meant to be a free exchange between seasoned business people, working in any field, not to mentor people who just landed and want advice.
We do it normally every first Friday of the month, 12:15, in Morel’s Restaurant on Gongti Bei Lu. We go “Dutch”, most simply chose the set menu lunch, a copious choice with all included for RMB 98.

Or latest lunch was on 11 October, with people from Belgium, France, Poland and USA. I was happy to introduce Frank Gallo and his book, the original printed Chinese version of the Kindle version “Preparing Chinese Professionals for Work in the West by Frank T. Gallo”. I am currently reading the Kindle version.

Anybody interested to join the next lunch, Friday 8 November, give me a sign!