Meeting a Nobel Prize winner! Yes, in Beijing

On the occasion of the visit to China of Professor François ENGLERT (ULB), the Nobel Prize Winner for Physics 2013 together with Peter HIGGS for the discovery of the Higgs mechanism H.E. Michel MALHERBE, Ambassador of Belgium to China and Mr. Philippe NAYER, Delegate of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and of Wallonia invited us for a reception on Wednesday June 4th at the Embassy of Belgium.

Well, not everyday you meet somebody like that, so my daughter Valerie insisted to witness the unique event.
The professor was pretty friendly and talkative and made it, along with a cool breeze, a nice evening. Even better as Renaat Morel spoiled us with another great buffer and Belgian beer.
Great event and I met the ambassador of Malta who turned out to be a real “Old china Hand”!

Note: some content and pics removed.